
international Scientists, who collaborate or have collaborated with the Junior Research Group within the context of a fellowship

Philippe Seyfarth de Souza Porto

September 2021 − February 2022


Bachstr. 18k
07743 Jena
Room: 221

Phone.: +49 3641 9-45048
E-mail: philippe.porto@uni-jena.de

Research interests

  • Environmental law
  • Environmental sociology
  • Environmental legislation
  • Protected areas and socio-ecological conflicts


Graduated in law at the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (2014) and obtained a masters degree in Sociology and Law Universidade Federal Fluminense (2017). Currently PhD student at the Graduate Program in Social Sciences in Development, Agriculture and Society (CPDA) of the Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, with a grant from the Brazilian research institution CAPES.

Recent publications

PORTO, P. S. S. (2019): Processos e sentidos sobre meio ambiente e ruralidades em disputa no contexto de atuação do INEA na APA Macaé de Cima (RJ). IX EPED - Encontro de Pesquisa Empírica em Direito.

PORTO, M. F. S. ; PORTO, P. S. S. (2017): Ecologia política da água: conflitos ambientais no Brasil e defesa dos comuns. In: Pedro Roberto Jacobi; Ana Paula Fracalanza; Vanessa Empinotti. (Org.). Governança da água no contexto da escassez hídrica. 1ed.São Paulo: IEE-USP,UFABC e GovAmb, v. , pp. 114–146.





Hariati Sinaga

Image: Hariati Sinaga

Dr. Hariati Sinaga

July 2021 − January 2022



Research interests

  • Labour rights
  • Labour relations
  • Gender
  • Her current research focuses on labour relations in Indonesian oil palm plantations


Holds a Ph.D. from the University of Kassel, Germany and since July 2021 Postdoctoral Research Fellow within the Junior Research Group “Bioeconomy and Social Inequalities” at Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany.

Recent publications

Sinaga, Hariati (2021): „Buruh Siluman: The Making and Maintaining of Cheap and Disciplined Labour on Oil Palm Plantations in Indonesia“. In: Backhouse, Maria; Lehmann, Rosa; Lorenzen, Kristina; Lühmann, Malte; Puder, Janina; Rodríguez, Fabricio; Tittor, Anne (Eds.): Bioeconomy and Global Inequalities. Socio-Ecological Perspectives on Biomass Sourcing and Production. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 175–193. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-68944-5_9 External link.

Sinaga, Hariati (2020): Competitive Pressures and Labour Rights. The Indonesian Oil Palm Plantation and Automobile Sectors. In: Scherrer, Christoph (Eds.): Labour and Globalization, Vol. 19. Augsburg/München: Rainer Hampp Verlag. https://kobra.uni-kassel.de/bitstream/handle/123456789/11558/LaborAndGlobalizationVol19.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=yExternal link.




Luciano Rocha da Penha

Image: Saulo Penha

Luciano Rocha da Penha

October 2019 − March 2020


E-Mail: penhaluciano@hotmail.com

Research interests

  • hydroelectric power stations in the Amazon area
  • Economic Geography
  • Political Geography
  • Energy-Geopolitics
  • Energy transition
  • Construction and land planning
  • Industrial Geography


Geographer and PhD candidate at the graduate programme for Geography at the Pará State University (Brazil). From Oct., 1st, 2019 until Apr., 1st, 2020, he is a Research Fellow at the Group Bioeconomy and Inequalities. He is promoted by the Brazilian national programme for scientific cooperation in the Amazon area (PROCAD AMAZÔNIA) of the Brazilian research funding CAPES.

Recent publications

Macedo, M.; Penha, L.; Medeiros, G.; Silva, M. (2019). “A Territorialidade do Extrativismo Vegetal no Maranhão: analise econômica do buriti na Comunidade Serra da Cinta, Sitio Novo”. Capítulo do livro Produção Espacial e dinâmicas socioambientais no Brasil organizado por Silva, C.; Quaresma, C.; Silva, J. Belém (Brasil), GAPTA/UFPA, pp. 147–166. ISBN 978-85-63117-41-0

Penha, L.; Silva, M.; Almeida, C. (2018) “Dinâmica territorial da extração mineral na Amazônia brasileira: análise da Compensação Financeira da gipsita em Grajaú/ Ma”. XII Bienal del Coloquio Transformaciones Territoriales: Interrogantes y desafíos en las territorialidades emergentes em Bahía Blanca (Argentina).

Silva, M.; Penha, L.; Bezerra, L. (2018) “Desdobramentos da questão agrária no sul do maranhão, Brasil: reflexões preliminares de um estudo em Grajaú”. XII Bienal del Coloquio Transformaciones Territoriales: Interrogantes y desafíos en las territorialidades emergentes em Bahía Blanca (Argentina).




Dra. Selena Herrera Teixeira

June 2019


E-Mail: selena.herrera@gmail.com

Research interests

  • bioeconomy
  • environmental and social impact assessment
  • global sustainability governance
  • biofuels and other renewable energies


Degree in Agricultural Engineering at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM, Spain), Master in Bioenergy at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL, Portugal), and Doctor degree in Energy Planning with emphasis in Environment at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ, Brasil). Researcher at the Grupo de Estudos do Setor Elétrico (GESEL) at the Institute of Economics of the UFRJ (Brasil).

Recent publications

Castro, Nivalde de; Herrera, Selena (2019): Transición energética mundial. Revista Energia Bolivia, Edición 69.

Herrera, Selena (2018): Plan de Desarrollo Regional Sostenible: Contribución Innovadora de la Central de Belo Monte (Brasil) y su Evaluación Realista. IX Congreso Internacional en Gobierno, Administración y Políticas Públicas - GIGAPP, in Madrid (Spain).

Herrera, Selena (2013): A Polêmica Sustentabilidade dos Biocombustíveis. Revista ADvir n.º 31 - Geração e Disponibilidade Energética Sustentável para o Futuro: Hidroeletricidade, Energia Eólica, Solar e Nuclear, Petróleo e Biomassa, ASDUERJ, pp. 65–76, 15. ISSN 1518-3769.




Dra. Virginia Toledo López

June 2019


E-Mail: vtoledolopez@gmail.com

Research interests

  • Political ecology
  •  environmental conflicts and justice
  •  agrofuels and impacts of agribusiness


Degree in International Relations by Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNCPBA), Doctor in Social Sciences by University of Buenos Aires (UBA); Diploma in Agrarian Social Studies in Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO). Postdoctoral fellow of the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) in the Group of Political Ecology of the Institute of Studies for Social Development of the National University of Santiago del Estero (INDES FHCSyS/UNSE-CONICET). Asociated to Grupo de Estudios Ambientales del Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani (UBA).

Recent publications

Toledo-López, Virginia; Tittor, Anne (2019): Contradicciones en torno a las innovaciones y certificaciones en el sector de la bioenergía en Argentina. In: Letras Verdes. Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Socioambientales 26, pp. 87–110. https://revistas.flacsoandes.edu.ec/letrasverdes/article/view/3896/2873External link.

Schmidt, Andrea Mariana; Toledo López, Virginia (2018): Agronegocio, impactos ambientales y conflictos por el uso de agroquímicos en el norte argentino, Revista Kavilando, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 162–179.

Toledo López, Virginia (2018): Progresión del agronegocio, biodiesel y despojo en el Gran Chaco. In: Revista del CISEN Tramas/Maepova, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 151–171. [online] http://ppct.caicyt.gov.ar/index.php/cisen/index




Samadhi Lipari

April 2018 − October 2018


E-Mail: gysli@leeds.ac.uk

Research interests

Relations between property regimes of land, use patterns and global dynamics of contemporary capitalism


Master Degree in International Relation at the Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali- LUISS Guido Carli, Rome (Italy); Fellow Researcher of the Group Bioeconomy and Inequalities. Since 2016, PhD student at the School of Geography of the University of Leeds (England); title: “Land concentration and landgrabbing in Europe”.

Recent publication

Lipari, Samadhi (2020): Industrial-scale wind energy in Italian southern Apennine: territorio grabbing, value extraction and democracy. In: Scienze del Territorio, no. 8, pp. 154–169. https://doi.org/10.13128/sdt-11810 External link