Rosa Lehmann

Former Researcher

Dr. Rosa Lehmann

Until March 2021:
Researcher of the Junior Research Group “Bioeconomy and Inequalities. Transnational Entanglements and Interdependencies in the Bioenergy Sector” funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Bachstr. 18k
07743 Jena

Since April 2021:
HCIAS Juniorprofessor of “Innovation and Sustainability in Ibero-America” at Heidelberg University

Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies
Brunnengasse 1
69117 Heidelberg link

Research focus within the Junior Research Group

Transnational social inequalities in the emerging bioeconomy in Germany (project module 3a)

Research interests

Political ecology, development and sustainability studies, socio-ecological inequalities, conflicts on renewable energies, bioeconomy, social movements


Curriculum Vitae


HCIAS Juniorprofessor of “Innovation and Sustainability in Ibero-America” at Heidelberg University


Researcher at the Institute of Sociology, Friedrich Schiller University Jena within the Junior Research Group “Bioeconomy and Inequalities”


Doctorate at the Institut für Wissenschaftliche Politik der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. Title: Conflict around wind energy projects in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico. Societal relationships with nature, inequalities, participation, and discourse. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Reinhart Kößler, Prof. Dr. Manuela Boatcă.
Since 04/2012           Research fellow and PhD candidate at the Arnold Bergstraesser Institute Freiburg within the cluster “Politics of natural resources”
Research Fellow and Research Assistant at the Arnold Bergstraesser Institute Freiburg
M.A. in Political Science and Anthropology, University of Freiburg (Graduate degree: Magister Artium)



Lehmann, Rosa (2021): “Knowledge, Research, and Germany’s Bioeconomy: Inclusion and Exclusion in Bioenergy Funding Policies.” In: Backhouse, Maria; Lehmann, Rosa; Lorenzen, Kristina; Lühmann, Malte; Puder, Janina; Rodríguez, Fabricio; Tittor, Anne (eds.): Bioeconomy and Global Inequalities. Socio-Ecological Perspectives on Biomass Sourcing and Production. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 107–129. link

Backhouse, Maria; Lehmann, Rosa; Lorenzen, Kristina; Puder, Janina; Rodríguez, Fabricio; Tittor, Anne (2021): Introduction: “Contextualizing the Bioeconomy in an Unequal World: Biomass Sourcing and Global Socio-Ecological Inequalities.” In: Backhouse, Maria; Lehmann, Rosa; Lorenzen, Kristina; Lühmann, Malte; Puder, Janina; Rodríguez, Fabricio; Tittor, Anne (eds.): Bioeconomy and Global Inequalities. Socio-Ecological Perspectives on Biomass Sourcing and Production. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 3–22. link

Backhouse, Maria; Lehmann, Rosa; Lorenzen, Kristina; Lühmann, Malte; Puder, Janina; Rodríguez, Fabricio; Tittor, Anne (eds.): Bioeconomy and Global Inequalities. Socio-Ecological Perspectives on Biomass Sourcing and Production. Palgrave Macmillan. link

Lehmann, Rosa (2021): Erneuerbare Energien in Südmexiko: Der sozialökologische Konfliktum Windenergieanlagen im Isthmus von Tehuantepec. In: Stefan Peters, Eleonora Rohland, Olaf Kaltmeier, Hans-Jürgen Burchardt, Christina Schnepel (eds.): Krisenklima. Umweltkonflikte aus lateinamerikanischer Perspektive. Studien zu Lateinamerika, vol 41. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 113–128.

Member of the editorial team of the journal PERIPHERIE as part of the special issue “Bioökonomie” 159/160 (2021). Open Access: link

Lehmann, Rosa (2020): PERIPHERIE-Stichwort: “Bioökonomie”. In: PERIPHERIE – Politik, Ökonomie, Kultur, vol. 40, no. 159/160, pp. 384–387. link

Backhouse, Maria; Büttner, Melissa; Greifenberg, David; Herdlitschka, Theresa; Lehmann, Rosa; Schaller, Evamaria; Thiel, Janine (2020): Erneuerbare Energien von unten? Perspektiven aus der Praxis auf dezentrale Energiesysteme. Working Paper 14 of the BMBF Junior Research Group “Bioeconomy and Inequalities”., 932 kb · de

Lehmann, Rosa; Backhouse, Maria; Puder, Janina (2020): Widersprüchliche Ziele. Neue Bioökonomiestrategie der Bundesregierung. In: W&E 01-02/2020, pp. 5–6. link

Jenss, Alke; Lehmann, Rosa (2019): Multi-Scalar Struggles: The Selectivity of Development Governance in Southern Mexico. Freiburg, ABI Working Paper 11. link

Backhouse, Maria; Lehmann, Rosa (2019): New ‘renewable’ frontiers: contested palm oil plantations and wind energy projects in Brazil and Mexico. In: Journal of Land Use Science, vol. 15, no. 2-3, pp. 373–388. link

Lehmann, Rosa (2019): Fragen kostet nichts. Die Konsultationen Indigener in Lateinamerika sind scheindemokratisch. In: iz3w 374, pp. 8–9. link
Article is also available in Spanish: link

Lehmann, Rosa (2019): Der Konflikt um Windenergie in Mexiko. Partizipation, Diskurse und die ungleiche Gestaltung der Naturverhältnisse im Isthmus von Tehuantepec. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien.

Backhouse, Maria; Lehmann, Rosa; Lühmann, Malte; Tittor, Anne (2018): Bioökonomie als technologische Innovation. Zur Notwendigkeit alternativer Forschung und einer gesellschaftlichen Debatte. In: Forum Umwelt & Entwicklung Rundbrief 1/2018, pp. 14–15.

Lehmann, Rosa (2018): The conflict surrounding wind power projects in the Mexican Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Wind energy, conflict, and politics of scale. Working Paper 3 of the BMBF Junior Research Group “Bioeconomy and Inequalities”. link

Backes, Martina; Lehmann, Rosa (2018): Gärungsprozesse – Die Bioökonomie verspricht viel und hält bisher wenig. In: iz3w 368, pp. 14–17. link

Friede, Stephanie; Lehmann Rosa (2016): Consultas, Corporations, and Governance in Tehuantepec, Mexico. In: Peace Review, vol. 28, no. 1. San Francisco University: Taylor and Francis/Routledge Publishing Company.

Lehmann, Rosa (2015): Ohne offenen Ausgang. Die indigene Befragung in Juchitán als Machtinstrument zur Durchsetzung eines Mega-Windparks. In: Hawel, Marcus;  Redaktionskollektiv (eds.): Work in Progress Work on Progress. Doktorand_innen-Jahrbuch der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung. Berlin, pp. 245–260.

Lehmann, Rosa (2014): Mehr als nur (heiße) Luft? Windparks im mexikanischen Bundesstaat Oaxaca verfestigen Ungleichheiten. In: PERIPHERIE – Politik, Ökonomie, Kultur 136, pp. 427–444.

Burchardt, Hans-Jürgen; Lehmann, Rosa; Lühmann, Malte (2011): Lateinamerika zwischen ungleicher Sicherheit und sicherer Ungleichheit. In: Burchardt, Hans-Jürgen; Öhlschläger, Rainer; Wehr, Ingrid (eds.): Lateinamerika: Ein (un)sicherer Kontinent? Latin America Studies. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 99–115.