Janina Puder

Ehemalige wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Janina Puder, M.A.

Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Institute of Sociology

Until June 2021:
Researcher, Junior Research Group “Bioeconomy and Inequalities. Transnational Entanglements and Interdependencies in the Bioenergy Sector” funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Bachstr. 18k
07743 Jena

Since July 2021:
Researcher in the Department of Sociology of Work and Industry, and Economic Sociology

Carl-Zeiß-Platz 3
07743 Jena
Room 389

phone: +49 3641 9-45537
e-mail: janina.puder@uni-jena.de

Research focus within the Junior Research Group

Transnational rural labor conditions in the context of the emerging bioeconomy in Indonesia/Malaysia exemplified by the case of migratory labor (project module 4)

Research interests

Political economy, Land Grabbing (“Landnahme”), theory of capitalism, social inequality, social classes, labor migration

Regional focus: Southeast Asia (esp. Malaysia) and Latin America (esp. Argentina)



Curriculum Vitae
Researcher in the Department of Sociology of Work and Industry, and Economic Sociology, Institute of Sociology, Friedrich Schiller University Jena


Researcher at the Institute of Sociology, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, within the Junior Research Group “Bioeconomy and Inequalities”
Studies in Sociology at the FSU Jena (degree: Master of Arts)
Semester abroad at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Studies in social science and Philosophy with main emphasis on political science at the University of Leipzig (degree: Bachelor of Arts)



Puder, Janina (2021): “Superexploitation in Bio-based Industries: The Case of Oil Palm and Labour Migration in Malaysia.” In: Backhouse, Maria; Lehmann, Rosa; Lorenzen, Kristina; Lühmann, Malte; Puder, Janina; Rodríguez, Fabricio; Tittor, Anne (eds.): Bioeconomy and Global Inequalities. Socio-Ecological Perspectives on Biomass Sourcing and Production. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 195–215. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-68944-5_10External link

Backhouse, Maria; Lehmann, Rosa; Lorenzen, Kristina; Puder, Janina; Rodríguez, Fabricio; Tittor, Anne (2021): Introduction: “Contextualizing the Bioeconomy in an Unequal World: Biomass Sourcing and Global Socio-Ecological Inequalities.” In: Backhouse, Maria; Lehmann, Rosa; Lorenzen, Kristina; Lühmann, Malte; Puder, Janina; Rodríguez, Fabricio; Tittor, Anne (eds.): Bioeconomy and Global Inequalities. Socio-Ecological Perspectives on Biomass Sourcing and Production. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 3–22. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-68944-5_1External link

Backhouse, Maria; Lehmann, Rosa; Lorenzen, Kristina; Lühmann, Malte; Puder, Janina; Rodríguez, Fabricio; Tittor, Anne (eds.): Bioeconomy and Global Inequalities. Socio-Ecological Perspectives on Biomass Sourcing and Production. Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-68944-5External link

Puder, Janina (2021): Migrantische Arbeitskräfte in der malaysischen Palmölindustrie. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (bpb), Kurzdossier “Zuwanderung, Flucht und Asyl: Aktuelle Themen”. https://www.bpb.de/gesellschaft/migration/kurzdossiers/324971/migrantische-arbeitskraefte-in-der-malaysischen-palmoelindustrie?rl=0.03060180065430429External link

Puder, Janina; Tittor, Anne (2020): “Bioökonomie in Argentinien und Malaysia Industrial upgrading im Agrarbereich als sozial-ökologisches Entwicklungsversprechen?” In: PERIPHERIE – Politik, Ökonomie, Kultur, Vol. 40, No. 159/160, pp. 308–333. https://www.budrich-journals.de/index.php/peripherie/article/view/36617External link

Puder, Janina (2020): Entwicklung, Arbeitsmarktsegregation und Klassenstruktur in Malaysia. Eine politische Ökonomie der Arbeitsmigration. In: Sozial.Geschichte Online, 26(2020), pp. 45–70. https://sozialgeschichteonline.files.wordpress.com/2020/03/04_puder_arbeitsmigration_malaysia-1.pdfExternal link

Lehmann, Rosa; Backhouse, Maria; Puder, Janina (2020): Widersprüchliche Ziele. Neue Bioökonomiestrategie der Bundesregierung. In: W&E 01-02/2020, pp. 5–6. https://www.weltwirtschaft-und-entwicklung.org/wearchiv/042ae6ab7b09b2d01.phpExternal link

Graf, Jakob; Landherr, Anna; Puder, Janina; Rackwitz, Hans; Reitz, Tilman; Sey, Benjamin; Sittel, Johanna; Tittor, Anne (2020): Abhängigkeit im 21. Jahrhundert. Globale Stoffströme und internationale Arbeitsteilung. In: PROKLA. Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft, Vol. 198, pp. 11–32.

Puder, Janina (2019): Excluding migrant labor from the Malaysian bioeconomy: Working and living conditions of migrant workers in the palm oil sector in Sabah. In: Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 31–48. https://aseas.univie.ac.at/index.php/aseas/article/view/2253/2061External link

Puder, Janina (2019): "My future depends on how many fruit bunches I can harvest". Migrant workers in the palm oil sector in the wake of a Malaysian Bioeconomy. Working Paper 7 of the BMBF Junior Research Group “Bioeconomy and Inequalities”. https://www.bioinequalities.uni-jena.de/sozbemedia/WorkingPaper7.pdfpdf, 411 kb · de

Puder, Janina (2018): Introducción. In: Schmalz, Stefan; Ramírez, Martin (eds.): ¿Fin de la Bonanza? Entradas, salidas y encrucijadas del extractivismo. Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblios, pp. 53–55.

Puder, Janina (2018): Zwischen Entwicklung, Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und “Green Growth”: Bioökonomie im Globalen Süden. In: W&E 10/2018, S. 4. https://www.weltwirtschaft-und-entwicklung.org/wearchiv/042ae6a97c0b15501.phpExternal link

Kunz, Yvonne; Puder, Janina (2018): Unliebsame Karriere einer Palme. Indonesien und Malaysia im Clinch mit der EU. In: iz3w, Vol. 368, Sept./Oct. 2018, pp. 17–18.

Backhouse, Maria; Lorenzen, Kristina; Lühmann, Malte; Puder, Janina; Rodríguez, Fabricio; Tittor, Anne (2017): Bioökonomie-Strategien im Vergleich. Gemeinsamkeiten, Widersprüche und Leerstellen. Working Paper 1 of the BMBF Junior Research Group “Bioeconomy and Inequalities”. https://www.bioinequalities.uni-jena.de/sozbemedia/neu/2017-09-28+workingpaper+1.pdfpdf, 396 kb · de

Puder, Janina; Rackwitz, Hans (2015): Die neue Regierung in Griechenland. Eine Alternative zur Alternativlosigkeit. In: erlassjahr.de, Schuldenreport 2015, pp. 38–45.